"Selfie" is a movie that explores the darker side of social media and its effects on society. Directed by the talented Shoaib Mansoor, this movie is a thought-provoking commentary on the impact of social media on our lives.
The movie revolves around the life of a young girl named Salwa, who is played by the talented actress, Sohai Ali Abro. Salwa is obsessed with taking selfies and posting them on social media. Her life takes a turn for the worse when a selfie she took goes viral, leading to a series of events that ultimately lead to her downfall.
The acting in this movie is outstanding, with each actor delivering a powerful performance that adds to the overall intensity of the film. Sohai Ali Abro's performance as Salwa is particularly noteworthy, as she manages to capture the character's personality and struggles perfectly.
The movie's message is clear - social media can be a powerful tool, but it can also be dangerous if not used responsibly. The movie shows how social media can be used to spread rumors, bully people, and ruin lives.
Overall, "Selfie" is a must-see movie for anyone who wants to understand the impact of social media on our lives. It is a well-crafted movie that will leave you thinking long after the credits have rolled.